Wednesday 11 August 2010

Arisen from the Dead?

I had a tremendous shock the other day. I had the TV news on - maybe my favourite station France 24, Aljazeera or some other, but was listening to it, not watching, while doing other kitchen chores. Well, wife was away, and I do have to eat occasionally..

It was interesting, an interview with the lawyer defending Guantanamo's youngest inmate, Toronto-born Omar Khadr. But, surprise surprise, the lawyer was George Galloway. I recognised the voice immediately; I am rather good at recognising accents. But not only the voice; the strident anti-Americanism, the tonality, everything. I had not realised that Galloway was a legal advocate, but as an ex-Parliamentarian he has had much experience in that area.

When I left my chores to actually look at the television, I saw that Galloway had put on a Latex face-mask, and adopted another identity, using the name Dennis Edney .

I subsequently found out that both Galloway and Edney - for indeed it was the latter defending Omar Khadr - hail from Dundee (presumably from the same street in Dundee - Professor Higgins?)

Or perhaps there is an army of Galloway clones, a la "The Boys from Brazil", ready to carry on the Galloway Standard?

What a prospect!

Dennis Edney

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