Monday 21 February 2011

Arab world awash with revolt and massacre - and the UN acts at last.

During the recent rioting in Libya, a Benghazi doctor appeared on Aljazeera television, describing the wholesale massacre of his fellow-citizens who were protesting peacefully, murdered by heavy weapon fire. "Where is the United Nations, where is the Human Rights council?", he cried out.

He need not have worried. The UN Security Council has indeed been in action.

In Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Bahrain, Yemen, Algeria, Jordan and Iran, protests have been held, with what must now total thousands of peaceful protestors being murdered on the streets!

But the UN has not been inactive.

At last the Security Council has met - to do what?

To condemn Israel for wishing to build a few homes in its capital city, Jerusalem.

Perhaps this is not totally surprising. All the above-named autocratic tyrannies - Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Bahrain, Yemen, Algeria, Jordan and Iran - have been members of the Security Council. Israel has never been invited to join this august body.

So, as this eminent group of 14 po-faced imbeciles gathered solemnly around the table to condemn Israel - with the cries of the massacred citizens of at least eight Middle-Eastern and North-African regimes screaming in their ears -only the 15th member, the United States, represented by Ambassador Susan Rice, saw what a complete charade the whole shoddy business was, and applied its veto.

No surprise too that the United Kingdom voted with the condemnation; its brain-impaired Foreign Minister William Hague had already condemned Israel for "belligerency" during the Egyptian uprising. (Don't try to figure this out - put it down to congenital madness.)

The UN must collectively go down on its knees daily to thank God for Israel. Without Israel, what would there be for it to do?

1 comment:

Alan said...

100% right. Why does the vast majority of our fellow citizens not see it this way?