Sunday, 31 July 2011

After the Arab Spring, now the Israeli summer...

Anyone watching the series of uprisings in the Middle East could only surmise that it was just a matter of time before the Israelis rose up in revolt against the oppressive regime that rules them. We marvel as the Libyan ruler Gaddafi mows down his subjects by the hundred, standing up bravely against the combined superpower forces of NATO. And the Syrian leader Assad attacks the city of Hama, where due to his restraint the death toll in the current campaign is only in the hundreds and has yet to reach the glorious total - reputedly 40,000 dead - achieved by his father in the same town in 1982. No, the Israelis have surely more reason to protest than their Arab neighbours.

Inspired by earlier protests in Israel against the price of cottage cheese, the oppressed proletariat have massed in their dozens in the main towns. And do not mock at cottage cheese; I myself am partial to the odd dollop on my breakfast crispbread. This, I consider, is one of the basic Human Rights, hitherto ignored by the United Nations (but not now by the British media). Any government which permits the price of cottage cheese to rise above a level which allows it to be purchased by the most impoverished citizen is surely guilty of - at the very least - a Crime Against Humanity. Count me among the protesters; today, I am with you - Israeli Cottage Cheese Protesters. We in the West owe it to the downtrodden cottage-cheese-less masses in Israel to mount flotillas, filled with cottage cheese, if that vile regime will allow them to approach their shores.

And it is not only cottage cheese - although that is bad enough. After having spent 6 weeks in a luxury three-bedroom apartment in Tel Aviv, I was disgusted to learn that there are even more luxurious 6-10 bedroom apartments being built in the plusher quarters of that city. Ten bedrooms! Why should any capitalist - with the requisite capital - be able to afford such a flat in Rothschild Boulevard (now that's an appropriate name) and not me? I am with you, Oh Israeli protesters, Luxury Flats for Everybody! is our slogan.

And what about the cost of raising children - another of the issues being raised? I assure you, anyone with kids will tell you that this is no laughing matter. Especially, with Jewish children who adamantly refuse to leave the parental home until they are themselves married with children. We demand free creches and kindergartens for all in Israel. (Oh, they do have State Kindergartens in Israel already? Well surely not enough. And so what if in the UK we don't have any; since when do we judge Israel by our standards?)

And it was only to be expected that violence would be exhibited by the police of that illegitimate entity. The Guardian published a photograph of a police officer discreetly standing behind an activist. It is highly possible that the activist had been ticked off really harshly by that policeman.

So stand by our Israeli protesters: Proletariat of the world unite! we have nothing to lose but our cottage cheese.

1 comment:

Salomon said...

Once I was told that Jews make a smart people... But now surely not in Israel... The mob brandishing Che Guevara portrait, it´s a signature of a banana republic... I am waiting to see other portraits of other leaders of the oppressed proletariat, those poors that do not afford a flat in Tel-Aviv...What about, Lenin, Mao, Trotsky (maybe too much Jewish)... Aren´t the isralis arriving to the stage a little bit late?